Sunday, November 16, 2008


Hello Everyone,
I got some nice responses for the last post n got wishes for next venture so I am daring again to write a new post..

Dunno what I am goin to write dis tym, actually it's not about particular topic, juzz trying to write randomly what I thynk about mah frnds, abt thr views , thoughts...
My one of the closest frnds says that "My priorities in lyf are different" .. & I guess that he is nt liking it or he is nt agree wid me that m givin preferences to other things which might be not tat much important..!!
I won't say that he is wrong coz it's his personal thinking, bt I think in another way..!! Some of mah frnds thinks a lot about taking any particular decision and get confused.. I know that sumtyms v cn't take decision so quickly..
but I would lyk to suggest that wherever possible, juss dun thynk much, take a quick decision and enjoy the Present 'MOMENT'.. dun think about it's future affects..
You will have sufficient time to thynk about it later on, but "moments once u missed is not gonna cum back again..!!"

There are some moments rather say situations or incidents thar unforgottable through the lyf. Those memories might be good or bad but are important. Because when u memorise such things in the future when u r bugged due to work and other responsibilities,
these memories will surely make u laugh for some tym. Those moments will surely refresh your mind .
Obviously, memories are good then u will be refreshed, but what if the memories are badd..??? then i'll suggest juzz try to look at it positively, rather i'll say, smile on such things and say "How mad I waz that tym..!!" Yesss, it's tough but m sure that if u try it then u will be able to find out the hapiness in such badd memories of ur past.!!
But wht abt the people who don't have such remarkable moments to remember..?? Now u will say m talkin confusing.. but i Have seen many people who were tryin hard to remeber such things like, 'When the last time I waz hanging arnd wid mah friends..?' or say 'When last time i Visited amusement park or saw movie wid my frnds or family..??'
so it's better with good or bad memories of your past but you will be having something to remember and you will satisfied with thinking that yess.. u enjoyed that moment..!!

(In response to mah frnd's post) Consider a situation where you have to choose one of the option from family and frnds, then i'll prefer according that situation.. But some mah frnds take the wrong meaning of this...
they say that mah priorities are wrong or m givin more importance to frnds than family.. but it's nt lyk that.. I am not giving preference or more importance to ny particular thing.. but at that moment only one thought is in my mind is that "I want to enjoy this preent moment, so I am doing it."
Because "While Going into the future, I want to take some good and bad moments also of my past life to make my present more interesting n happier"


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Where 'HE' went wrong...??

Guys, First of thanx for visiting my blog... Yesss,, Your thoughts are correct after reading title.
I am going to write something non-technical for the first time in mah life..
I am not writer or like that.. so i dunno hw to start the topic..!! 
but lets start, It's juss about one of mah friend who is facing one of the worst conditions in life wid his frnds..

As He said there are lot of conflicts goin on with his one of the best frnd.. bt HE is really nt able to resolve those yet..
n yess, it's surely affecting his relations with other frnds too..!! 

As i listen him, I am really nt getting "Where HE went wrong...??"
whether HE was wrong, or the TIME was wrong...??

I would like you to ask some questions to yourself

Does frndship has ny limit ??

Some of mah frnds say that "When you try to pretend in front of you...... Then it's the end of friendship.."
Does really 'TRUE' frndship Ends ever ??

Sometimes the situation cums when every human being may feel like alone.. don't 'HE' have rights too keep some things in mind..
Does 'HE' do anything wrong by nt saying the things goin on in his mind by nt saying to his frnd..

I just hope that the frndship relations between 'HE' n his 'frnd' may get better, and all the best fr 'HIS' future...

I need a comment on this as this is my first non-technical article.. I never thought of that i'll write something like this... 
please feel free to comment...


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Be Ready ...Windows se7ven is cumin up......!!!

Windows Seven....the upcoming OS from microsoft

Windows 7 is confirmed to still be under works, and despite the fact that Microsoft has tried to hold back the details about the next version of Windows almost to perfection, details managed to slip through the company's closed doors. The initial Windows 7 Milestone 1 build was dropped at the end of 2007 and in early January 2008, but only to close partners of the company. But the development of Windows 7 has moved along since version 6.1 Build 6519.1.x86.fre.winmain.071220-1525. From build 6519.1, Microsoft went up all the way to Version 6.1 Build 6574.1, reportedly made available in March 2008. Although the latest build has higher digits it still stands under the category of Milestone 1.