Saturday, June 12, 2010


Guyz, m back wid d new post after a long tym..yeah done wid exams, final year engg exams.. got such a relief..!! and very soon i'll be entering into the new world..
The completely unknown...excited but lil bit nervous too..!!!

The journey till here waz awessome, truly awessome..n m gonna miss it lyk hell..!! assignments, journal completion..bunking, committe work during fests..those days spent in tension of studies b4 exams,,
jusss everything..!!

Bt someone said already.. "Change is the only permanent thing.."... true...and we have to accept that change..!!

the 1st phaze of life ends wid skul, next phaze wid clg lyf..(tat too engineering) and nw m starting wid the next phaze..where no bunkings are allowed,
where no exams tensions but having lotsa reponsibilities, there's no study pressure but having a work pressure...this change have cum so early in mah lyf ..i mean to say i din't get even a small time to be mentally prepared to enter into this new world..
The journey till this station waz good n now i gotta get up into the another to reach mah destination..The environment gonna be complete diff than before..
i won't be able to see the same trees from this train..i won't feel d same summer heat or the pleasant cold during this journey obv it will b there but in diff way, diff form..
I'll miss all d co-travellers wid me of the previous train..n vil have to continue mah journey wid new travellers in the new train..!!

Obv i'll definitely meet mah old co-travellers on stations in between during the journey but travelling along keeps u wid dem all the time n meeting juss at the stations is verrry small amount of tym..!!!

It is already said, that as the contact reduced, attachment wid d ppl also reduced, i juss wish it won't happen wid me, n by me..!! but i'll have to adopt this change, vil have to board the next train wid new travellers but keeping in mind the old travellers..
ryt now m damn confused, nervous, lil bit excited abt mah new journey and u can easily find it out from mah dis post...
I juss said what came to mah mind... n hoping to meet some good ppl during d journey..jusss wish me luck guyzz..
cya in the next post..
till then loads of luck...bye tc..!!!