Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Here comes the new post, my thoughts, n my views on several issues... ofcourse those issues are not public issues but it's juss about my personal experiences throughout the year...

First of all Happy New Year to everyone.
Actually I am quite late to post this cause I wanted to publish it on new year event, but let it be..

what i am gonna write in this post is all about my passed year 2009, now please dun think that why I am thinking about the past
but past taught me many new things, whatever incidents or experiences i faced, i learnt something new from it and became a little bit mature than before.

I saw broken friendships, broken trusts, and everything. I experienced backstabs too. but those all things taught me some more new good things which are unknown to me before. Atleast i came to know, how much I should trust on  any person. Obviously mah closed ones does not come into the picture in this one. But even i understood that whoever says "Our friendship will last forever and all", are really shit things. Cause if they need to say it then there is no depth in friendship, and wherever the friendship is closed and deep, then there is no need to say such things.
Cause i did face such scenario and i know how it feels when any friend breaks up with you and even you are not even allowed to know the reasons or your mistakes if any.
I quarrelled and hurt my closed ones so many times and so badly but still they stayed with me always.
but here again i learnt so many things. I learnt to control my anger somewhat but still it needs some more control yet but I am sure i'll do it..!!

Now you will think why I am talking about bad things only ??? rite..?? but Marathit te boltaat na.."Shevat God Asava"
so thats why I am keeping all good things and best memories I had in last year to end my post on a happy and good note.

So now lets talk about some good things..
starting from the 1st month of 2009,
Sem 5 exam ends on a good note, then had lots of fun in vacation and that time vacation waz quite extended.
Had couple of good treks followed by a class picnic which will i never forget.. All the masti we did during fest, and bunking of lectures to practice the sport in which we all friends participating. Group studies during the exams and my B'day fun after the last paper of my exam.The 21 chocolates which i wud have never eat if permitted to do so..lolzz

So dis waz my first half of the year.. then it turned more excited in second half.
And it started with a bang, A long tour with my family, back to back surprises 2 me fr my b'day one from my classmates and other one from my school friends, then outing wid my school friends.
July month was the best one which includes a big big surprise treat on my one of the closest friends b'day, and the idea  worked excellently. And then this chain of surprises continued till the end of the year.
I saw reborn of friendship too with mine one of the oldest friend... which was really so pleasant for me.

Overall, my year was fabolous and I am damn happy to have such great friends and family/relatives. I learnt so many new things and I Hope i'll learn some more new things in this year too which will make me more mature and practical day by day. Let me cut the long story in short...  i.e. ""AAL IZZ WELL"" at the end of the year...!!!

Here I end my post, I know it's long one but can't help it.. Year 2009 waz itself so long and so happening for me.
Waiting for your comments and views on this.
P.S. :- I have used a formal english in this post and not the chatting type english by someone's suggestion.. lolzz.. :P


  1. nice blog dude!!!
    u'll always cm 2 knw vd expirience dt who is ur true frnd who is not!!!
    trust is d thng to earn & love is d thng 2 give over d period of time!!!.....so b careful while earning & giving d respective thngs!!!
    & i'm lucky 2 b part of sm of d good thngs u xpirienced ds year!!!
    & hope u'll have a gr8 year ahead and may god fulfill all ur wishes!!!
    & yeah "AAL IZZ WELL"!!! :)

  2. "AAL IS WELL"


    nice post mate..

    till now i was thinking 2009 passed wid speed of light but after reading ur post i came to kno so many things happened in last year coz i was part of some experiences u've mentioned.....

    good going...

    expecting new post sooner and also expecting that i'll get some motivation to update my blog sooner to.......

  3. Thnks for the comments guyz..
    yeah yeah, i hope u will get the motivation 2 scribble down sumthng after readin dis post..!!

  4. Hey nice post dear....
    life is all abt learning....
    im sure, widout me u woudnt hav been able to finish dose 21 chocolates...n i promise to help u so in d near future too.....hehe

  5. hehe tats true swati... i'll need ur help in future too..!!! to finish off eating things..!!!
    moti ho jaayegii..!!!

  6. hey,fab man.......life is d best tutor......hope this year too will be rocking 4 u...
